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Guacamole makes an excellent facial cream. It won’t reduce wrinkles, but I’d sure enjoy scraping it off your skin while you sleep, as I munch on nachos as quietly as I can.

Jarod Kintz

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I was gradually coming to have a mysterious and shuddery reverence for this girl; nowadays whenever she pulled out from the station and got her train fairly started on one of those horizonless transcontinental sentences of hers, it was borne in upon me that I was standing in the awful presence of the Mother of the German Language. I was so impressed with this, that sometimes when she began to empty one of these sentences on me I unconsciously took the very attitude of reverence, and stood uncovered; and if words had been water, I had been drowned, sure. She had exactly the German way; whatever was in her mind to be delivered, whether a mere remark, or a sermon, or a cyclopedia, or the history of a war, she would get it into a single sentence or die. Whenever the literary German dives into a sentence, that is the last you are going to see of him till he emerges on the other side of his Atlantic with his verb in his mouth.

Mark Twain

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You appear to me not to have understood the nature of my body

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Tags: procrastination dreaming indolence

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روي أن عبد القاهر بن عبد العزيز قال للشافعي يوما: أيما أفضل الصبر أو المحنة أو التمكين؟ فقال الشافعي رحمه الله: التمكين درجة الأنبياء، ولا يكون التمكين إلا بعد المحنة، فإذا امتحن صبر وإذا صبر مكن؛ ألا تري أن الله عز وجل امتحن إبراهيم عليه السلام ثم مكنه، وامتحن موسي عليه السلام ثم مكنه، وامتحن أيوب عليه السلام ثم مكنه، وامتحن سليمان عليه السلام ثم مكنه وآتاه ملكا، والتمكين أفضل الدرجات، قال الله عز وجل (وَكَذَلِكَ مَكَّنِّا لِيُوسُفَ فِي الأَرْضِ) وأيوب عليه السلام بعد المحنة العظيمة مكن، قال الله تعالي (وَآتَيْنَاهُ أَهْلَهُ وَمِثْلَهُم مَّعَهُمْ)

Abu Hamid al-Ghazali

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When he kissed me again, I thought I would break apart with need. He pulled back, watching me silently. A question waited for me in his eyes. "Yes," I murmured. I kissed him again and there were no more questions to be answered.

Andrea Cremer

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Back off, asshole. I haven't had a woman today, so I'm in no mood for this kind of bullshit.

Gena Showalter

Tags: demon paris paranormal gena-showalter darkest-night

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Hasta el frío y la época de lluvias habían cambiado en Agua Grande a finales del siglo XX. El frondoso pulmón vegetal que adorna el valle que es la capital, dominado por palmeras y ceibas, respiraba desconcertado intentando seguir el paso a los desarreglos que desdibujaron en el calendario el lugar del frío decembrino y las lluvias de mayo a septiembre. La anarquía se instaló en el ambiente, como presagiando la turbulencia que indefectiblemente habría de tocar a todos sus habitantes.

María Elena Lavaud

Tags: venezuela días-de-rojo hugo-chávez maría-elena-lavaud revolución-bolivariana literatura-venezolana novelas-venezolanas

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Sometimes you lie, Forest. Sometimes its the right thing to do."
"I don't believe that, Ben."
"And why is that?"
"Because it always catches up with you."
"It doesn't, not always."
"It does."
"It's the truth, Ben."
"No, Forest, it's another kind of lie. If Lizzie draws you a picture of a catfish and it looks like a big hairy turd, what do you tell her? That it looks like shit? That you could draw a better fucking catfish with a crayon up your asshole? No, Forest, you tell her it's the most beautiful catfish you ever saw, don't you? Of course you do. Truth's a slippery slope sometimes.

Jonathan Evison

Tags: humor inspirational

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I know I cannot undo this. None of us can undo what we’ve done, or relive a life already recorded.

Mitch Albom

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السياسة كالطبيعة لها حكمة لم تستطيع عقول الناس أن تفهم حقائقها بعد ...

طه حسين

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The conflicting missions of the two armies seemed to have no fog, no gray, only black-and-white clarity. I had lived my life in terms of compromise, rule-bending, trade-offs, concessions, bargaining, striking deals, finding middle ground. In these two great armies, there was no such thing. Good was good, and evil was evil, and they shared no common ground.

Randy Alcorn

Tags: faith

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But to anyone reasonable, my life will seem more or less normal-under-the-microscope, full of contingencies and incongruities none of us escapes and which do little harm in an existence that otherwise goes unnoticed.

Richard Ford

Tags: life

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The man who is swimming against the stream knows the strength of it.

Woodrow Wilson

Tags: trial perseverance swimming

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Let’s at least hope it’s not a gallu.
Why? They’re not all bad, in a smelly, need-to-be-killed kind of way.

Sherrilyn Kenyon

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Maxim 12:
A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head.

-The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries

Howard Tayler

Tags: violence wrath rules-to-live-by subverted-saying

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