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I gave them their chance,” she said. “And my give-a-shit button’s broken, baby.

Thea Harrison

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I didn't go into prostitution because I was desperate. I did it because I was bored.

Moriah Jovan

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Pete thinks we all have a blacking factory: some awful moment, early on, when we surrender our childish hearts as surely as we lose our baby teeth.

Armistead Maupin

Stichwörter: childhood maturity childhood-suffering

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Be nice to everyone you meet...
but always have a plan to kill them.

José N. Harris

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He looked at her in bittersweet despair. “Sometimes, Kate, when I’m inside you and your arms are around me, I’m human again. There’s a beginning and an end to my life again. And all because of your love. It’s been a gift to me, one I’ve never deserved. But I cherished it.”
And maybe he’d destroyed it with the ungodly truth. He didn’t know. He drew
a shaky breath, battered by a fresh wave of regret, and his voice trembled. “I thought I had broken your heart a while ago. I didn’t know how to make you hear me, and I knew that by telling you the truth, I’d lose you. But here you sit. You haven’t flipped out, not visibly anyway, nor accused me of being a liar. And you haven’t run in terror, now that you’re truly free to go. I don’t know what to think. Tell me, Kate…have I lost you?

Shelby Reed

Stichwörter: kate gideon shelby-reed midnight-rose

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The autumn winds rushing
Waft the leaves that are searest,
But our flower was in flushing,
When blighting was nearest.
Fleet foot on the correi,
Sage counsel in cumber,
Red hand in the foray,
How sound is thy slumber!
Like the dew on the mountain,
Like the foam on the river,
Like the bubble on the fountain,
Thou art gone, and for ever!

Walter Scott

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Our choices determine our destiny.

A.R. Bernard

Stichwörter: destiny choices

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الولد الحزين يعرف انها تصبغ كل قطع القماش لديها باللون الازرق حتي لا تجد ماترفعه اعلانا للاستسلام ..تحرق قوارب العوده وتوصم وجوده بالغضب !

نهى محمود

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و يظهر أن كلمة ( المفاجأة ) وضعت في اللوائح و التعليمات من قبيل التشويق كما توضع في إعلانات المسارح ، فهي في العمل لا وجود لها

توفيق الحكيم

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He’s my bodyguard,” I said tightly. “You know that. I don’t trust you. I should walk away from this, but I’m here, and I’m going to take a look. He stays. Got a problem, take it up with my mom.

Kim Harrison

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To rage and mock is gentlemanly, to grumble and whine is not.

Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa

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Alfred: Hmf. I suppose you'll take up flying next, like that fellow in Metropolis.

Frank Miller

Stichwörter: superman batman

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وقال الحلاج فى هذا المعنى :
لم أسلم النفس للأسقام تتلفها إلّا لعلمى بأنّ الوصل يحييها
وقال أيضا :
اقتلوني يا ثقاتى إنّ فى قتلى حياتى
وحياتى فى مماتى ومماتى فى حياتى
أنا عندى : محو ذاتى من أجلّ المكرمات
وبقائى فى صفاتى من قبيح السيّئات

Ahmad ibn Ajiba

Stichwörter: قتل-الهوى

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Being turned into a lizard can really mess up your day.

Rick Riordan

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الإستمتاع بالفن ، لا يمكن أن يكون وسيلة تعذيب
و لا يمكن ان يشقي الإنسان نفسه في سبيل أن يقول : إني قرأت
و لهذا فأنا لا استطيع ان افهم الذين يقولون : إن الذي يريد ان يتذوق شعرنا عليه أن يتصارع مع القصيدة
و يقضي ساعات و يبذل مجهوداً فكرياً لكي يفهم معاني القصيدة
أعتقد ان هذا منطق غريب جداً
لأن الناس عموماً لا يقرأون الأدب إلا للمتعة الفكرية
فإذا انعدم التفاعل ، انعدمت المتعة الفكرية
و من السخف ان يعذب الانسان نفسه بقراءة شعر سخيف أو رواية ركيكة !

غازي عبد الرحمن القصيبي

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