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He nodded, brushed hair off my face, and headed from the kitchen.
"I hate being a teenager."
"Hormones." With a sad half smile, he left.

Jodi Meadows

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But that's the thing about basketball: you don't play games on paper.

Bill Simmons

Tags: basketball

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Lieb Liebchen, leg ‘s Händchen aufs Herze mein; -
Ach, hörst du, wie’s pochet im Kämmerlein,
Da hauset ein Zimmermann schlimm und arg,
Der zimmert mir einen Totensarg.

Es hämmert und klopfet bei Tag und bei Nacht;
Es hat mich schon längst um den Schlaf gebracht.
Ach! sputet Euch, Meister Zimmermann,
Damit ich balde schlafen kann.

Heinrich Heine

Tags: love death

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Sometimes you my graciously permit all the most beautiful ladies in the land to wait in line to kiss your hands and fall in love with you.

Susanna Clarke

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No sé cómo reaccionar, porque estoy enamorada de un hombre que está delante de mí y sin embargo él no guarda ningún recuerdo de mi persona. En lo que a él respecta, todo se ubica en el futuro. Me entran ganas de reír por lo extraño de la situación. Todo lo que sé de Henry desde hace años me desborda, mientras el me mira perplejo y temeroso".

Audrey Niffenegger

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He realized at last that the arguments of pessimism were powerless to comfort him

Joris-Karl Huysmans

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There is no eleventh hour with Cosmic Ordering, only the golden hour.

Stephen Richards

Tags: goals happiness metaphysical goal-setting focus fearless law-of-attraction life-changing manifestation cosmic-ordering manifesting abundance-creation author-stephen-richards

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There are all kinds of things that can scare you every day. What if someone you know gets cancer? What if something happens to you sister or your friends or your parents? And what if you get hit by a car crossing the street or the kids at school find out what an unnatural freak you are and what if you go too far out in the lake and the water is over your head and what if there's a fire or a war?
And you can lie awake at night and worry about these things because it's scary and unpredictable, but it's REAL. It's possible."
-Mackie Doyle, The Replacement

Brenna Yovanoff

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If you want to grow up to be a big, strong pea, you have to eat your candy," Papa Pea would say.

Amy Krouse Rosenthal

Tags: candy dessert dinner pea

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Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.

Groucho Marx

Tags: humor friends books animals dogs

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Almost everything that distinguishes the modern world from earlier centuries is attibutable to science, which achieved its most spectacular triumphs in the seventeenth century.

Bertrand Russell

Tags: science philosophy

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واعلموا أن الأمة التي تفرط في عرضها لا يمكن أن تحتفظ بعد ذلك بأي شيء، فإن العرب حتى في جاهليتهم ما كانوا يرضون هذا- يعني السفور ومخالطة الرجال- لبناتهم أو لأخواتهم ولا لأمهاتهم، بل كانوا يتفاخرون بالعفة؛ وهذا عنترة بن شداد يقول:

وأغضُّ طرفي إن بدت لي جارتي حتى يواري جارتي مأواها

سفر الحوالي

Tags: religion

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I once told you that all actions have a cost, we simply must decide if they are worth paying. If you do not act in the best interest of your own happiness you will regret—and pay for it—for the rest of your life.

Kathryn Smith

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Don't tell me what I'm doing; I don't want to know.

Federico Fellini

Tags: willful-ignorance

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History is a kind of introduction to more interesting people than we can possibly meet in our restricted lives

Dexter Perkins

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